Sewing blog aimed at beginners. Lots of tutorials and reviews . How to use an overlocker, sewing machine , coverstitch and embroidery machine. Storage ideas and much more I am keen to Re use and recycle.
Friday, 19 February 2021
McCalls Siella in Navy Crepe. A version of the BUFFET DRESS featured in the GBSB 2021
Tuesday, 9 February 2021
Sew Over It Zoe Dress with The Ultimate Trousers
I was gifted this fabric from minerva and I knew instantly what I wanted to make with it.
Sunday, 3 January 2021
Sewing Seams and Sewing in Straight lines
This is a tutorial about working seams,finishing seams, and sewing straight seams
A blog post
Recently I have had people tell me that it is years since they last used a sewing machine and could not sew in a straight line.
What is a seam?
- Pin the seam together right sides of the fabric together normally, but there are exceptions which we will come to later
- Pin the seam edges together matching the ends, notches and any other markings
- Hand tack the seam. You can omit this if your fabric is easy to handle and if you are experienced at sewing.
- Stitch the seam with thread which exactly matches your fabric and buy the best quality thread you can afford
- Finish the seam edge appropriately
- Trim loose threads
- Press every seam every time. Pressing gives a crisp edge and makes the thread sink into the fabric making the stitches invisible.
How to sew a straight seam - some tips
Thursday, 26 November 2020
This is a post which you will find on website
These trousers are amazing - I have in fact made a second pair since. The design feature on .the legs makes them special and the fabric is oh so comfortable.
The front should fold over the back.
Measure the hems and press. Press the facings and mark the position of the three buttonholes. Then finish the hem work a button hole at the waistband too
Do a little bit of hand sewing now, just to sew the buttons on. I also like to add a hook and eye to the top of the zip underneath the facings to stop any gaping.
The buttons on the legs make these a really different pair of trousers and there are other suggestions in the pattern too. By the way each size has its own pattern piece making this a really good value pattern. Simplicity patterns come with excellent instructions too, so you can't go wrong.
These trousers took a few days to make as there are a few components to sew in place - pockets, fly, buttons etc so this is not a very quick make. It is worth while taking time to get the fit right
Think you Minerva for this great fabric, I shall be wearing these for months (as well as making another pair
Fabric and pattern. Details on this link
#SewAngelicThreads #sewing #winterfashion #fashion #diywardrobe #trouserstyles #handmadewithlove #fabric #sewingblogger #sewinginspiration #minervamakes #minervamakers #isewlation #isewmyclothes #sewingteacher #sewingprojects #isew #sewsewsew
Monday, 23 November 2020
Handmade Totes, Bags, laundry bucket and much more. Perfecf for giving or keeping
My Handmade Gifts
I like to give handmade gifts and I have some to share with you.
This is a set of gifts for a friend. Some of which can be found on my previous blog post - just click on this link Lovely Warm Christmas Gifts
My Bathroom
I have been decorating my bathroom and want to share the decor ideas and also show you how to sew a laundry bucket. The laundry tub pattern is from this book, you can purchase it from Amazon by clicking this link. There are lots of fabulous things to make in this book and I recommend it either for yourself or as a gift