I am Angela and I love to sew. I started sewing as a child and by the time I was a teenager I was wearing the very latest fashions to go out in. All me-made. I am passionate about reducing the amount of textiles sent to landfill, and encourage you to repurpose fabrics and clothes I started this blog in order to have a way in which to pass on my gained knowledge, and my professional knowledge to you, Sewing is empowering, you can save money by making items, make money by selling then, You can pass your knowledge on to others. What is there not to love? Interestingly I am a direct descendant of the Flemish weavers who came over to England in the 1300's. I find that fascinating especially as most of my family from as far back as I can trace are somehow involved in the manufacturing of fabric . . I have a degree in tailoring with a special interest in WW2 fashion.

Friday, 1 July 2022

The OLISO-TG1600-SMART-IRON from Jaycotts.co.uk, Reinvented for Sewing and Quilting

 A review of the OLISO-TG1600-SMART-IRON 

From Jaycotts.co.uk 

Choosing your iron is as important as choosing your sewing machine. A good sewist will set the ironing board up every time she sits  down at to sew. 

Why is this important?  Put simply if you press every seam and every dart as you sew them you will end up with a far superior garment to one you did not bother to press as you went along. It is the different between Handmade and Homemade . Handmade is special, it is bespoke, and it looks and feels great to wear. A garment which is not put together with care will never look professional. 
It stands to reason that your iron must fulfill all the functions needed to produce a high quality garment, this one hits the spot totally - and more
You will have taken a great deal of time and effort choosing your sewing machine and as your iron is equally as important it makes perfect sense to choose a high quality iron too, 
Your iron is used just as much as your sewing machine so why skimp on quality? 

Tuesday, 28 June 2022

Easy to sew and fabulous to wear nightwear


Very easy to sew nightwear 

What is nicer than cool cotton pj's?  These are fabulous to make and even a total newbie can make them 

Do read on and discover how you can make some too 

Saturday, 18 June 2022

Beach Huts Summer Dress in Organic Cotton

Beach Huts Summer Dress 

This post is also on Jaycotts.co.uk  blog Summer Beach Huts Dress

The fabric is not photographing very well sadly, it is very bright in every room. The fabric is actually more vibrant than it seems, the stock photo is below.

Sewing with Simplicity Organic Cotton Printed Fabric from Jaycotts


Gorgeous Simplicity Fabric from Jaycotts.co.uk. 

Have you seen the high quality fabrics now on sale at Jaycotts If you haven't then you are missing out. 

This fabric is made from 100% Organic cotton , there are many other  fabulous prints on  their website,  but it is the Simplicity  designs I want to show you today and give you some ideas what you can  make with them 


Monday, 23 May 2022

The Liberty Bella Tea Dress

 This Tea Dress by Liberty London is made in a patriotic London print fabric in honour of Her Majesty's platinum Jubilee and is also my Birthday Dress 

Tea dresses are so flattering and fabulous for when you want to feel dressy but not uncomfortable 
This Liberty London design is very typical of the styles worn in the 1940's with shoulder pads and simple lines 

Shoulder pads were added to almost every garment in the 1940s,  it was a nod to the military and seen as a sign of support to our Armed Forces

I have owned this pattern for ages and had forgotten about it, but with Her Majesty's platinum Jubilee fast approaching it seemed appropriate. 
As did this fabulous fabric which I have  owned for several years but never found the occasion to use it. It is absolutely perfect!
The pattern is suitable for confident beginners