A Minerva.com post
I love this pattern, I have one with the fluttery sleeves, but wanted another one with short straight sleeves
Sewing blog aimed at beginners. Lots of tutorials and reviews . How to use an overlocker, sewing machine , coverstitch and embroidery machine. Storage ideas and much more I am keen to Re use and recycle.
A Minerva.com post
I love this pattern, I have one with the fluttery sleeves, but wanted another one with short straight sleeves
This dress is amazing. And I do mean AMAZING . It is a sophisticated dress perfect for parties and dances
It is a brand new Simplicity Pattern details below
I do not normally wear blouses and I was thinking about why I don't. I realised that I have always sewn them in a woven fabric and I feel too restricted when wearing fabrics like cotton Lawn, no matter how beautiful it is , it's just not me.
So I was glad to have been gifted a length of this fabric and also a copy of the pattern, so it was the perfect opportunity
A lot of us suffer in the cold with aches and pains sometimes from arthritis. These simple garments are designed to help keep you snug and warm. Even if you don't , these delightful pieces make perfect thoughtful gifts