I am Angela and I love to sew. I started sewing as a child and by the time I was a teenager I was wearing the very latest fashions to go out in. All me-made. I am passionate about reducing the amount of textiles sent to landfill, and encourage you to repurpose fabrics and clothes I started this blog in order to have a way in which to pass on my gained knowledge, and my professional knowledge to you, Sewing is empowering, you can save money by making items, make money by selling then, You can pass your knowledge on to others. What is there not to love? Interestingly I am a direct descendant of the Flemish weavers who came over to England in the 1300's. I find that fascinating especially as most of my family from as far back as I can trace are somehow involved in the manufacturing of fabric . . I have a degree in tailoring with a special interest in WW2 fashion.

Monday, 2 August 2021

Vogue V8952 Pullover Tunic Top

 A Minerva.com make

You can read the post in full and view more photos as well as finding out how to order this fabulous fabric and pattern on this link My Vogue 8952 top on Minerva.com

What an amazing pattern this is. I love all three views but in the end decided on the version with the cowl neckline, however I am already planning on what fabric to make the other two versions in. This does seem to be a popular pattern and since purchasing mine I have seen quite a few versions and they all look fantastic 

The fabric I used is a Viscose Jersy knit and it hangs really nicely don't you agree. It comes in four colours and is modestly priced especially as you only need 2m

This isxtgeclink to this gorgeous fabric which comes in several different colours 

Viscose Jersey Fabric

Tuesday, 13 July 2021

McCalls 8064 in cotton jersey

 McCalls 8064 in cotton Jersey from Minerva.com 

details of fabric and pattern are on Minerva.com Cotton jersey dress so please do take a look 

Tuesday, 11 May 2021

The dress that almost didn't happen - a beautiful 1940s Tea Dress by New Look

A Minerva.com post

This lovely dress , New Look N6594 very nearly ended in the bin,

( to find out more about the fabric go to this link on Minerva.com My 1940s tea dress in cotton poplin )

It is a 1940's WW2 Style Tea Dress ,looking at the pattern I feel it is more American in design rather than British as our clothing restrictions were much less forgiving than in America where just about the only clothing restricted was anything made from leather as it was needed for sadddles and so on.

Friday, 30 April 2021

Simple Sewing Project - APRONS!

 When I was learning to sew at primary school the very first thing I ever made was a Gingham apron which I decorated with cross stitch embroidery. I suddenly thought that it is a brilliant idea for a first sewing project.