I am Angela and I love to sew. I started sewing as a child and by the time I was a teenager I was wearing the very latest fashions to go out in. All me-made. I am passionate about reducing the amount of textiles sent to landfill, and encourage you to repurpose fabrics and clothes I started this blog in order to have a way in which to pass on my gained knowledge, and my professional knowledge to you, Sewing is empowering, you can save money by making items, make money by selling then, You can pass your knowledge on to others. What is there not to love? Interestingly I am a direct descendant of the Flemish weavers who came over to England in the 1300's. I find that fascinating especially as most of my family from as far back as I can trace are somehow involved in the manufacturing of fabric . . I have a degree in tailoring with a special interest in WW2 fashion.

Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Get the fit right! The denim pencil skirt with exposed zipper

Why go to the trouble of making a beautiful garment if it does not fit you perfectly?


Exposed zipper
Top stitching 

I don't know about you but I read a lot of blogs and I see a lot of people showing themselves wearing lovely hand made clothes which quite frankly just do not fit.
What's the point? Why go to all that trouble and expense only to end up with a garment which is either too big, or worse far too small?

I bought some stretch denim Stretch Denim from MinervaCrafts as I wanted to make a skirt. Some stretch fabrics - as this one does, just stretch across the width, some stretch in all directions. You need to ensure that with a two way stretch fabric the stretch goes across the garment.

Thursday, 16 July 2020

Sewing on buttons and hemming jeans

A Jaycotts post

We all need some very basic sewing skills so I want to show you how to do two of them - how to sew a button on and how to shorten jeans.

Let's start with buttons.

Usually when you buy a garment there will be a spare button included. If it is a shirt button you need they are readily available , if it's something like a coat button you may need to replace them all of you cannot find the spare.
But how to sew the button on? A lot of people can't do it so you are not alone.
You need buttons. You may have a box full or you may need to buy a new set.
Jaycotts have a great selection Buttons from Jaycotts

Thursday, 18 June 2020


Vintage sewing, the late 1960's. 

This is a post from  three years ago but I want you to see it as the technique of finishing the neckline is so very useful

This is an iconic style of the 1960s, it was the first time in history that teenagers had their own style and the shift dress was certainly one of them. Made in heavy fabric so that it hung straight on the body it was short  bright and fun to wear.
For fabrics look at MinervaCrafts Cotton dress fabrics as they have an almost endless choice 

Perhaps one of the most daunting challenges is when you choose a pattern only to find that it has an all in one facing which encloses the neck and armhole edges both at the same time. But don't worry, it's simple when you know how. I am using New look patterns. Both available from Jaycotts.co.uk. But there are plenty of similar patterns, just look for a sleeveless shift dress

There are many methods but this one is in my opinion the neatest and the easiest. So, choose a pattern for either a shell top or a sleeveless dress which includes an all in one facing.

Saturday, 30 May 2020

My Gorgeous Jumpsuit

This gorgeous Jumpsuit is a MCBN post

This jumpsuit is amazing. I have made one before but found it difficult to get in and out of, not so with this one

It reminds me of a WW2 siren suit. These were all in one garments which everyone wore over their normal clothes to keep them clean as air raid shelters were filthy. They were also quick to put on at night over nightwear. Sir  Winston Churchill wore them, but his were hand made by a Saville Row Tailor!

Do read all about this fabulous pattern and fabric and learn how to make your own Bias Piping too!

Please go to this link My Gorgeous Jumpsuit I would really love it if you made one too

Thank you

Saturday, 23 May 2020

Sew a Beautiful Lingerie Bag

A pretty lingerie bag to give or keep 

I have made a lot of lingerie recently and I thought that it would be really nice to have a lingerie bag to keep them in. It is nice to put your night slip in during the day and they are useful to take on holiday too, they look really pretty sat on your bed.

They are not difficult to make and take very little fabric. They can be made any size you want and you could even make a small one for handkerchiefs. They make wonderful gifts too.

This is my lingerie case sat on my bed. I only ever buy or make Egyptian cotton bedding and always in white. I add lace trimmings to sheets and pillowcases and always add my initial. I therefore get the quality I enjoy at a good price  and can personalise it to suit my own taste.